Promotion framework for sustainability

Promotion framework for sustainability


※Chairperson: President and CEO                 

Members: President and CEO, executive officer in charge of Sustainability Promotion Division, and group company presidents

Executive office: Sustainability Promotion Division

Policies regarding sustainability, including climate change, are discussed at the Executive Committee and then resolved at the Board of Directors. The progress of initiatives based on the policies of the Board of Directors is discussed at Executive Committee and reported at the Board of Directors at least once a year. We regularly discuss climate change risks at committees such as the Risk Management Committee, a subordinate body of the Management Committee, and other committees.

In addition, from the standpoint of integrated management as one banking group, we hold the “Group Sustainability Promotion Committee” meetings twice a year, a committee comprised of executive officers of the SCB and SCB Group companies to discuss such matters as the SCB Group’s policies and initiatives regarding sustainability including climate change.

Initiatives for sustainability, including climate change, are being taken cross-organizationally, with the Sustainability Promotion Division playing a central role.